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Fortis Doors simplifies the process when installing glass, freeing customers from the worry of coordinating the glass with the right door at the right time. We make sure to use appropriate glass and glazing materials that meet the latest building codes, ensuring both fire safety and overall security.

Installing a door with the glass already in place not only saves time, but also translates into cost savings. The combination of factory installed glass along with factory prefinished doors is the ideal formula to assist contractors in meeting tight construction schedules. At Fortis Doors, we understand the importance of efficiency and precision on every project.

  • Standard door construction
  • Factory applied rust inhibiting primer finish
  • Fire rated up to 3 hours
  • Factory installed glass insures the proper fire rated glass is installed in the correct doors
  • Perfect match with fatory prefinish doors or wood grain steel doors
  • Faster completion at the jobsite
  • 1/4″ tempered, filmed wired glass, 5/8″ and 1″ insulated glass, 3/16″ filmed Keralite and 5/16″ laminated Keraltie glass
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